We spoke to our internal software tester, Stuart, about why testing is an essential part of app, website and software development and how cutting corners on quality can be costly.

We operate in a digital first world and software is now integral in our daily lives. From checking the weather, booking a doctor’s appointment, shopping online or ordering a takeaway, there’s an app, website or software system in place for pretty much every function we can think of.  Ensuring its quality, reliability and performance is paramount.


What happens without software testing?

Apart from it being generally bad practice, if new or upgraded software is not tested thoroughly it can open up a whole host of problems for your business.

  • Poor customer experience: We’ve all had the frustration of not being able to submit a form or view a web page correctly or ‘computer says no’ when we try and buy online. If an app or a website consistently doesn’t work, customers will go elsewhere.
  • Increased threat of security breaches: If your code and cyber security is not watertight, there is a risk that it is accessible to hackers and sensitive, commercial or personal data is vulnerable to data breaches.
  • Reduced speed and performance: If there are unidentified bugs or functionality errors in software, the speed and responsiveness of your website or app can be compromised (and also fuel the frustration in the first point above!).
  • Reputational damage: Remember when nearly 7,000 planes were grounded globally because of a small software upgrade glitch by CrowdStrike? No-one wanted to their PR team that day.

Through rigorous and robust testing, you can enhance user experience, reduce costs, mitigate risks associated with software failures and avoid reputational damage.


Why is software testing important?

Software testing is the cornerstone of quality and best practice. It is a critical process that ensures the reliability, performance and security of websites, apps, and software applications.

It involves systematically checking and validating software products to identify defects, ensuring they meet specified requirements. It provides checks and balances to safeguard software’s optimum functionality and performance.

Our testing team carries out full testing on everything that we develop, ensuring that it is secure, user friendly and accessible across multiple operating platforms and devices. We also do testing on things other people develop, providing independent support where additional resource is required or there is no in-house testing function within the business.


What sort of software testing is needed?

It generally depends on the software, its application and functionality, plus the needs of the intended end user. There are several tests which can be carried out at various stages of a softwaredevelopment project, some may be done multiple times. Here’s a few as a guide:

  • Functional testing: Verifies that software functions match the initial specifications.
  • Performance testing: Evaluates how software responds in difference scenarios.
  • Usability testing: Assesses how easy and efficient it is for users to interact with the software.
  • Security testing: Identifies vulnerabilities and weaknesses to protect against threats.
  • Compatibility testing: Ensures software works on different platforms, browsers and devices.
  • Beta Testing: Identifies potential issues with upgrades for future operating system releases.


How can our in-house software testing team support you?

We’re dedicated to empowering businesses with robust software testing solutions. Our team of experienced testing experts offers a comprehensive range of tailored testing services from project ideation through to software build and deployment.  We can help with:

  • Developing a collaborative and comprehensive test strategy and plan
  • Test case design and execution
  • Automating testing
  • Security testing
  • Mobile App testing
  • Accessibility testing
  • Setting up and managing test environments
  • Defect tracking and reporting

With a tenacity for troubleshooting bugs and a passion for finding problems and solving them, our independent software testers can be the difference between a perfect project success or failure at the first hurdle.

For more information about 4FX and CodeHub 200’s independent software testing services, visit www.codehub200.com/software-testing.