But what exactly is an infographic and how can it benefit
your business?

A well designed infographic is a fantastic way to present information, statistics and even accomplishments in a visual way. Although they have been around for a number of years it’s only recently that businesses have started to use them to captivate their target audience.

What can an infographic be used for?

Different businesses use infographics for different reasons. In general they are used to build brand awareness however, they can be very
beneficial when you need to get a message out and across to your
required audience.

Businesses that are very statistic based can use an infographic to relay key statistics and metrics to their audience in a much more visual and engaging way. Other businesses choose to provide information using graphics and images within an infographic rather than text based
documents, as the majority of people process information better when it’s presented in a visual format.

What are the key features of an infographic?

It’s important to keep the following in mind within an infographic:

  • Engagement – include graphics and imagery
  • Reliability – ensure your data, sources and statistics are all accurate
  • Simplicity – clear and easy to understand
  • Good design – from colours to typography, make sure it’s visually appealing
  • Informative – information and message is useful to readers

How can we help you?

At 4fx we love an infographic and our designers love creating them! If you’re on the look out for a new, informative and engaging way to market your business or services then get in touch with us today by dropping an email to emma@4fx.co.uk.