
Coppin Loft Conversions has experienced a great return on their investment with 4fx to date with the development of their website, Search Engine Optimisation and successful Google PPC account management.

After hearing about Google’s new algorithm change we spoke them about making their current website optimised for mobiles.

Our Design and Development teams worked with each other to redesign and build the current Coppin Loft Conversions desktop website into a new mobile friendly version.

By altering the layout of pages and menus, their website is now built for smaller screens allowing Coppin Lofts to target a much larger mobile audience.

With this recent algorithm change from Google, it is essential for your business to have a mobile friendly website if you want reach potential customers. At 4fx we have a lot of experience with designing and building websites including mobile optimised and responsive sites.

So why not update your current site and make it tablet & mobile friendly or even have a complete redesign. We can ensure your online presence reaches more screens, which in turn gives you the potential for more enquiries.

Speak to a member of our team for more information, drop us an email to or call us on 01908 375200.